I Am a Recoverying Addict from Meth,My Name Is shyanneWinter. Heres my Story...
I am 19 years old and A mother of a 3 year old. Im a recoverying addict that started using Meth about a year ago and today i am a month sober. Meth took everything i had and was. took me from being the mother i was to my daughter. Now that i am getting clean and going to my aa meeting. I discovered that people are harsh on drug users when there self esteems are at the bottom. Even Family are pretty rude and not understanding what that chemical does to the human Brain. I never thought i would do the stuff that i did. my memo i use to say was all the nevers i said i would never do is all the things that i ended up doing. the drug made the decisions for me. I would do whatever it took to get the substance and to also to make sure i could get another night in a hotel room. i was different from every other tweaker. i was all about helping others beside me. but that took me getting robbed and my tires slashed and many more bad things. but that never stopped. As long as we werent fucking My people over then i didnt care what it caused other people. This drug is a serious problem is united states. and they say it takes going to rehabs and treatment centers multiple times. ive been through all that as a kid. and i want to do something different to make a difference. i want to find who i am and my purpose here on this planet and where i belong. I dont have support here and all i have is bad memories of what i have done.So i am looking for the opportunity to travel and heal my spirit and go soul searching to discovery the new and where i belong on this planet. ever since i have gotten clean i have opened my eyes to a whole different level of spirtuality and luminoty. I became humble and feel like i can make the difference between all addicts and see more clearly because people who have never had the dope get them and lose them self to the devils drug will never understand what an addict feels or be able to change them.  I had an addict that was still a continous user explain to me that i was acting like a fool. made me open my eyes. I said i was scared of what was on the other side and to be sober and live the life of sobriety again. well he took me to my first meeting and i came out saying i was scared to go back to the life and where i was at. well ever since that day i didnt go back because i saw that i had a chance and i could go back home to my dads and be a mother. it took alot of rebuilding who i was and i wasnt use to being a mother but i came out to be better than what i was before. from the time i lost with my daughter i try to make up for it and i live each day trying to make up the time that i did lose.and if i ever lose anymore. Being a mother is who i am. i would never want to take that for granted again. I learned to write poetry that turned into making it a song. so i like to rap and it expresses me and my experience which i will be posting on here as well as time goes on.Once i feel more confident in my rapping. ill post some of the stuff i wrote due to me beleiving that it can help someone in there recovery or just anyone in general. So I came back as a new me after my drug addiction and i know every single one can too. Help me with My sobreiety and To Finding my destiny in this new place. staying here makes me want to use. so let me follow my destiny. and to help other addicts along the way and research what helps me and so i can share it with the world. Im asking $1 Donation to anyone who see this andwants to help me with my sobriety and living of a dream of traveling. Im truely appreciative of anyone who takes the time and willing to help me. god bless you!

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Donate $1 To help me Travel and discover the new me and find my place so i can pay it forward to all the addicts that dont belive they can start over